This Poisoned Isle- The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) United Nations Building, The Hague, Netherlands, Nov 2019.

This Poisoned Isle- The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) United Nations Building, The Hague, Netherlands, Nov 2019.

This Poisoned Isle- is a series of 10 pop up exhibitions throughout the United Kingdom 2018-2020. It aims to bring the complex history of chemical and biological weapons to the very rural communities that were affect by them
The exhibition is a collaboration with Prof Ulf Schmidt of the Dept of History at the University of Kent in Canterbury
For those of you who know, this is my ‘Project Cleansweep’, in a different format and content
We were warmly invited as an extra opportuntity to present the photos at the 24th chemical weapons convention conference of the states parties (CSP-24). I was also a participant in an academic conference at the OPCW with Dr Paul Walker, Prof Ulf Schmidt, Dr Katia May, Dr Paul Walker and Prof Bretislav Friedrich

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